Wellapalooza 2017 was a great success!

We are grateful and humbled by the support of our volunteers, speakers, and attendees – thank you! It was an honor to meet and spend time with those who attended Wellapalooza 2017.

Additionally, we are working on updating the Wellapalooza website, uploading speaker presentations and retreat photos, and editing presentation videos. A specific email and posts on our Wellapalooza site providing details will be shared soon. Thank you for your patience!

Other post-Wellapalooza 2017 details:

– Video recordings of speaker presentations (depending on audio quality) and presentation slides will be made available either publicly or privately through the EDS Wellness website.

– We are NOT selling video recordings from Wellapalooza 2017 presentations and workshops. What we are doing is respecting the individual wishes of our conference speakers. Some have requested that either their presentation slides, recordings or both, not be shared publicly. We are working to find a solution for our speakers, Wellapalooza 2017 attendees and those who were not able to attend.

– Currently, there are NO plans for a Wellapalooza 2018.

Please read below for additional important information and updates: 

– If you are interested in joining us for our weekly Mind-Body Strategies for Hypermobility with Chronic Pain program, please scroll and read updated information on registration below.

– Additional EDS Wellness website updates will be made over the next few months. Website updates include the addition and launch of our e-store, e-learning video platform, webinar platform and important organization information will be added over the next month or two.

We are working to make the changes needed to reflect our mission, initiatives, and programs, while ensuring that our site is easy to navigate and offers the most updated information and resources for our users.

We will also be sharing our PR Release about our Board of Directors and other announcements related to the direction of EDS Wellness moving forward. And we want to ensure that all registration, program and class information is reflective and linked to the new EDS Wellness App! (see new App information below)

– We have a new App!! To view and download the new EDS Wellness app, please visit https://appsto.re/us/RhQujb.i. You can also search for EDS Wellness, Inc. in the Google Play app store.

– Registration is still open for our 2017 Physicians Learning Conference. Our event site and registration information have been updated. We have applied for 8 prescribed CME credits and 2 elective CME credits. We are waiting for approval. The deadline for registration is June 3rd, 2017. For more information, please visit http://edswellness.org/2017-physicians-learning-conference/

To register now, please visit http://edswellness.org/2017-physicians-learning-conference-registration/


Mind-Body Strategies for Hypermobility with Chronic Pain – Join Us Today from 12-2pm!

Our Mind-Body Strategies for Hypermobility and Chronic Pain is a Movement and Mindfulness-Based Support Group Program – Thursdays from 12-2pm at The Mindfulness Center in Bethesda, MD!

Register now! 

This mindfulness and movement-focused program is part of an ongoing initiative to learn, discuss, research and incorporate mind-body strategies in an integrative healthcare program for individuals living with Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (HSD) with chronic pain, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS).

Our Mind-Body Strategies for Hypermobility with Chronic Pain program focuses on three elements principal components – gentle yoga, meditation, and weekly group meetings. Participants will be expected to utilize the principles learned and discussed in weekly group meetings, and apply them to their daily lives at home while keeping a journal of their progress. Our weekly group meetings will discuss experiences over the previous week, challenges, triumphs, and will include a gentle yoga practice and meditation.

This program will focus on various types of yoga practice and meditation — all levels of mobility are welcome! This program is listed through our Mind-Body Site in two different categories to ensure that this program is viewable for those who use the MindBody app and the EDS Wellness App.

Additionally, this program is listed through our Mind-Body site in two different categories to ensure that this program is viewable for those who use the MindBody app and the EDS Wellness App. One program — listed in two different places in our app.

Registration for this program is required through The Mindfulness Center.

To register, please go to http://www.themindfulnesscenter.org/classes.html and click on ‘View Our Weekly Class Schedule.

If you have questions, please email info@edswellness.org

Class/Support Group Overview:

– Welcome to all levels of yoga practice and degrees of mobility.

– 2 hrs 1x a week (schedule permitting)

– Yoga practices will focus on various types of yoga and include restorative exercise and natural movement principles.

– We will also discuss physical therapy, other mainstream types of exercise and ways to workout, continue a physical therapy program and move more at home and throughout our daily life – even for “Just 5 Minutes” a day.”

Learn more – edswellness.org/index.php/mind-body-strategies-hypermobility-chronic-pain-movement-mindfulness-based-program-support-group/

Program overview PDF – edswellness.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Mind-Body-Strategies-for-Hypermobility-with-Chronic-Pain-Suppor-Grouop-and-Class-Overview-1.pdf

Registration link – edswellness.org/index.php/mind-body-strategies-hypermobility-chronic-pain-support-group-registration/